I have BOXSER 8221-AI and it has two built-in serial port as D-sub 9pin.
I can see tty0, ttyS0, ttyTHS1, ttyTHS2. So I think the two port is attached to THS1 or THS2, but it doesn't work.
Let me know how to enable it?
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Hi Liu,
Thank you for your reply.
I just connect pin 2,3,5 and it worked.
I have got the manual of 8221-AI and the pin assign was below. pin7,8 is connected to UART but it's RTS and CTS position for normal RS232C pin assign. That means I can not use RTS/CTS control. I can use only "no-flow control mode" and I just use pin 2,3,5.
Thank you anyway.
When I use a USB-Serial cable, and it can see as ttyUSB0, then it works. I just can not to use ttyTHS1 and ttyTHS2. I add the permissions, ans I set the goupes. When I sent a data via ttyTHS1, there is no error showed but nothing be sent.