I am trying to create a kit using NVIDIA , is there any expert here with the knowledge in the same subject?
Please let me know.
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Hi Sir, If your application is similar to the link below. https://aaeon365-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/neptuneliu_aaeon_com_tw/EQ8yen5X5RBGm2tcihnNt2kBWvDBxvM2GojCcc8vsPtNrw?e=lh8iWO
We recommend that you can use the NX series. This is because this demo is using the NX series. The demo file is provided by Aplue-Intellingence Information INC. . If you are interested in our products, you can contact us through our business. https://www.aaeon.com/tw/c/aaeon-nvidia-ai-solutions